What’s a Home Group? As the name suggests, a home group is a small group of people who gathered together in someone’s home in order to study the Bible. God has given each of us gifts and talents to encourage, teach, and challenge one another. Small groups provide the perfect setting for Christians to minister one to another. (See Hebrews 10:24).
Home Groups in the Bible – The idea of a home group is not a new one. In fact, this is how the early church originally met. In the New Testament, a church was a gathering of Christians and did not mean a particular type of building or a denomination. The book of Acts records how Christianity spread throughout the Mediterranean region. Communities of believers sprang up in many cities. St. Paul wrote letters to some of these churches and it’s recorded several times in his letters, that the church would meet in someone’s home (See Romans 16:3-5, Colossians 4:15, Philemon 2).
When and Where do they meet? We meet in parishioners homes and have 3 different times for home groups we call ‘Life Groups’ that met on:
- The 2nd & 4th Monday’s of the month at 7:45-9pm
- The 2nd & 4th Thursday’s of the month at 2-4pm
- The 2nd & 4th Thursday’s of the month at 7:45-9pm
What do they do? They meet to study, discuss and share thoughts on God’s Word, the Bible, in a friendly, informal and relaxed atmosphere. They build fellowship and relationships with others.
Small Groups are more likely to share, in confidence, personal insights and testimonies. When people share, other group members see new ways they can draw closer to God and new steps they can take with others. Group members support one another, both during meetings and outside them. (See 2 Corinthians 1:4) They have a short time of closing prayer at the end of the study.
Why? Because God honours and answers prayer. When people become connected emotionally, they are more open to praying for one another. Often, group members exchange prayer requests. (See Matthew 18:20) Oh, and I nearly forgot, there’s also refreshments, buns, cakes & biscuits!
What are they studying at the moment? We study the Sunday morning Bible text, discuss the sermon and consider how we can apply the message to our Christian walk and service.
Why go and would I fit in? Go to develop your understanding of the Bible and to apply what you have learned to your lives. Anyone is welcomed, whatever your age or whatever your stage of faith, even if all you want is to just want to ‘brush up’ on the basics and enlarge your understanding of Christianity and the Bible.
Who do I contact if I’m interested? If you would like to join the group, then please contact to Marion Wilcox on 07526723285. God never intended Christianity to be a “me, God, and my Bible” lifestyle. The Bible teaches that we also need each other for many reasons. (See 1 Corinthians 12:12-17)