Margaret is a native of Kilkeel Co.Down and grew up in Mourne Presbyterian Church. After leaving Newry Grammar she trained as a teacher at Stranmillis College Belfast. After a brief period in teaching she took up a post with the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) as the all-Ireland Travelling Secretary where she had a tremendous influence on students; three of whom went on to be Bishop’s in the Church of Ireland. She then returned to teaching RE at Victoria College Belfast before moving to London where she took up the post of CEO of the charity ‘Springboard for Children’. She then made the move into the Anglican Church through the life of St Michael’s Chester Square, where she trained as a Lay Reader in the Diocese of London. Margaret is an accomplished and well-known speaker and loves to teach the Bible. She is passionate about discipleship, prayer and ministry to children; she is the Honorary President of 1st Drumbeg Girl’s Brigade. In the Parish Margaret now holds the role of Intercessor where she exercises a ministry in prayer for the life and witness of the parish and its parishioners. Margaret is a much loved and treasured voice of wisdom and guidance in the parish. She also serves on the Select Vestry. If you need a confidential prayer Margaret is the person to ask!