As a child Marion grew up in St Paul’s Church of Ireland, Lisburn, but came to faith through her school Scripture Union. She trained as teacher and worked in secondary education both in the classroom and as a Special Education Advisor with CEAA. She is now retired but continues to do bits and pieces of Consultancy work. She has spent time in the Baptist Church and Christian Fellowship Church settling in with us here at Drumbeg Parish in 2015. Marion quickly rolled up her sleeves and became an active member of the Parish, serving the Lord with us in a prayer and healing ministry, preaching and in pastoral care. In 2017 she began her training as a Diocesan Lay Reader and spent 4 months helping us to establish one of our ‘outreach projects’ at St Andrew’s Church of Ireland Ballyhalbert; she was foundational in making sure our relationship with Ballyhalbert was set on a good footing. Marion helps us to keep the Parish Vision on track, takes up the reigns to oversee Pastoral Care when Willie is on holiday and is actively involved in the teaching and pastoral care ministries of the Parish. Alongside a team of others Marion runs our Turning Point Course which is an exploring the Christian Faith course for those wanting to know more about Christianity. Marion is keen to minister in and of the Spirit. To chat to Marion phone her on: 07526723285