Raymond is a life-long member of Drumbeg, both boy and man. He grew up in the village and was baptised and confirmed in Drumbeg Parish. He has worshipped under the leadership of five clergy; baptised by Rev’d Samuel McGarvey and confirmed when Rev’d Horace Uprichhard was Rector. Raymond has served on the Select Vestry several times and was warden for Canon Cooper. Raymond is a retired businessman, having his own Groundworks contracting business. He now enjoys looking after a few sheep with his son Christopher; if you need any advice on lambing, Raymond is your man! Raymond’s faith was reignited through attending  our Alpha course and has continued to be a source of strength to him, in particular since the death of his late wife Eileen. Raymond is a member of one of our Life Groups.  He has recently come into the role at Rector’s Warden and will be at the Church door each Sunday morning to give you the warmest of welcomes to Drumbeg Parish.