International Justice Mission – IJM
We began to partner in the work of IJM in 2016 when we committed to raise £3000/year for three years to help with the costs of running the IJM offices here in Belfast.
IJM is a mission agency and is the biggest anti-slavery mission agency in the world. Literally every day men, women and children across the world are set free from bondage and slavery.
Our particular relationship with IJM has been fostered alongside the work we do in Uganda, with IJM in both their Kampala and Gulu offices providing us with help in protecting women and families who are often the victims of land-grabbing by family members when the male head of the house dies. All of our teams visiting Uganda take time out to support the staff in the Kampala and Gulu offices by joining them for prayer as part of our team’s ministry in Uganda.
We continue to pray for and to financially support IJM in their desire to bring people trafficking, slavery and land grabbing to an end.
You can find out more about their work at: